Thursday, December 2, 2010


It's been a while, eh? A lot has happened since I've last been one here. I'm deployed for one, I live in Germany with my lovely husband, and I found a whole new sub-culture I've been delving into with relish.

So, first point. I'm in Iraq, woop-di-do. I'll be here until next June, and I have my R&R in January. Tim and I are planning on going to Morrocco. :) It should be lots of fun!
Second point: Ya, Tim is based out of Germany so I moved there last winter and promptly got told I was being deployed. But we have an awesome house.
Third point: STEAMPUNK. I love it. I was briefly exposed to it before leaving MN, but didn't really know what it was all about until I started looking about on the internet. So, as much as I love the whole cheesecake scene, I think I like the creativity and looseness of SP.

In other news, I'm changing my middle name when I get home. Tim and I were talking about different things and it came up that I wanted to get a Golden Snitch tattooed and he veto'd that one in a hurry. Then he suggested changing my name to Nymphadora and I was enthralled. I told my mom and while she isn't mad about me changing my name, she thinks that Nymphadora sounds an awful lot like Nympho...

Mom and Diane sent me an AWESOME box of goodies for Christmas and we have stockings hanging and a Christmas rug in front of my door. :) Lovely.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Tim got home Sunday night. It's wonderful to see him, but the at the same time, super weird. We have to start from scratch everytime he comes home and it's no different this time. Especially because we have our own place and we've never lived together before.

I never in my whole life thought that grocery shopping would be as difficult as it was with Tikm yesterday. It's unbelievable how different we are. He likes Pepsi, I like Coke. He doesn't really eat fruit or drink juice. I eat fruit and drink juice ALL the time. He drives (maddeningly) slow, I drive fast. He parks forever away from stores because he's worried about dings on the car. I park as close as possible. He goes to bed early and gets up early, I go to bed late and sleep in. One bonus, we both love steak medium rare.

There are a lot of things that we both like and things that we do similarly, but I've never noticed before how different we are too. It's crazy! At least things will never get boring, eh?

Anyway, I love him and he loves me. Because of that we have patience with each other (most of the time) and so we don't get on each other's nerves (most of the time). Hehe.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just Dance

So I've been super busy the past few days. I helped my best friend Amanda and her husband move into their new house this past weekend. It was a lot of work, but really cool at the same time. I'm so excited for them! I can't wait until Tim and I can finally get a home together.

Speaking of which, Tim will be home in 14 days! Two weeks goes by so fast. I can't wait!

So last night I went to another Hangar dance. It was a lot of fun! I won the prize for best period uniform. :) I've never really won anything, so this was pretty cool. My picture will be on the website until the next one in September.

Anyway, it was a pretty awesome weekend, though a very tiring one.

Last week I got to hang out with Diane, which was also fun! I finally got my nose pierced, which I've been wanting to do for a while. I like it. :) I also cut and dyed my hair again, and I inadvertantly made it look like the Amy Adams as Amelie Eirhardt. Hm, I know her last ame is not spelled right but I don't know how to spell it... :P Either way, it's cute and I like it. So overall, I"m pleased with my changes lately. I hope Tim likes them.

Monday, May 18, 2009


O my word. So I transferred to the Reserves last week and lo and behold, they had drill this weekend. Which really threw a wrench in my plans, but I got to keep some of them. Well, Friday, I had my first gig with the band I sing with, Without a Cauze. It was in an art exhibit. Well, kind of. These people's idea of art was putting a woman in red sequinced spanks and then putting her in a glass tank while to other women in tutus push her in a circle. HHmmm....

Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I was surprised at how much of a hit we were with the crowd. I thought we would be too normal sounding for these guys, but they liked it. :)

After trying to find an open exit for 94E for about half an hour (seriously, what was going on with that?), Diane and I finally made it back to CG and then I had to get home and get to bed. I got to sleep at about 2.

The next morning I had drill at 7:30, which means be there at 7:15, which means leave the house by 6:20. Well, I was pretty tired that day.

Saturday night, I had the Hangar Dance. I had a WWII uniform and everything, so heck no was I staying home! I went and had a grand ol' time in Victory Curls and everything! Well, I made myself leave a little early so I could get to bed at a decent hour, so I got to bed about 1. Well, I had the same schedule the next morning for drill. I got home about 5:30 yesterday and slept for 15 hours! I haven't slept that long in a long time. But it was so worth it, for the dance and everything. :)

And now, time for my 'mom was so mad' story. So one day over Christmas time, my husband was home and we were all over at mom's house for dinner, I believe it was. By everyone was there, I mean all the kids (all 7 of them, plus Tim.) So anyway, we were telling stories about our childhood, which is often how those sorts of evenings turn out. Silly stories, bad stories, sad stories, etc. Well, I was saying how when I was younger, mom had told me a few times to take a shot of Vanilla Stolis Vodka to clear my sinuses. She got so mad! I don't know why she doesn't remember this, but she doesn't and proceeded to yell at me about making things up. Well, that's when my sister chimed in and said that mom had her do it too! So my mom got super mad and started saying that Diane and I were IMPLANTING these memories about her and were collaborating to make things up. WHY would we do that? Where would we have implanted these memories from? The computer into our brain chips? What possible reason would we have to make things up about her when we already have an abundance of stories to tell? And I don't know why she was so mad and defensive about it in the first place. It wasn't when we were tiny children, it was when we lived in CG so Jr. High at the youngest. Anyway, on the way back to our hotel, Tim commented on how mad she got about it and didn't understand it either, so now Tim, Diane and I joke about how we implant memories and make things up about mom just to make her mad. Hehe.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How Kitch!

So a little while ago, I did a pin up style photo shoot for my husband's birthday. I had a lot of fun and the guy/girl team that did it were wonderful. Lucas Weismann did it for me. Anyway, I got some of the pictures back and wanted to post them! Since my husband won't see them on here, I figured it'd be ok. Hehe. Luke showed them to a co-worker of his to show his work, and the guy wants to by a poster! :) How cool is that? I'm a bona fide pin-up. Ok, maybe not, but close. Anyway, I'm super excited either way because they came back looking a lot better than I was expecting. Luke is making them into a small mag-type format with an interview and centerfold and everything. I hope Tim likes it. ;) BTW, my mom doesn't know about it. She'd probably be mad. (She'd probably think it was inappropriate or something...)

Thursday, April 30, 2009


So this past week or so has been hectic. Last weekend was the St. Paul Art Crawl that I was supposed to go to with mom and Diane. Well, mom was already annoyed about Diane and I saying that we would probably leave a bit earlier than planned because we got invited to a bonfire almost 2 hours away. Well, mom was giving me grief about that already, so I was taking whatever she was saying with a grain of salt by that time. Diane and I had decided to meet at mom's house to leave her car there and drive to the SPAC in my car. Mom said that she wasn't going to plan on meeting us at her house and she would just meet us in SP whenever "we decided to get our asses out there." OK, fine.

So that morning, Diane and I met at mom's house and we were talking about how we should go to Cosetta's since it's so close to the SPAC and we haven't been there for a while. Mom called, coincidentally, to ask if we wanted to do lunch when we got out there and suggested Cosetta's. Great! I love when things work out like that! Diane and I were on our way out there and we looked up directions on Diane's phone since we knew where it was, but not exactly. Mom calls and long story short, blows up at Diane for Diane wanting to get off of the phone with mom so she can give me directions (since mom's directions were CLEARLY wrong as she was saying 6th and 7th don't intersect when Diane and I were AT the intersection on 6th and 7th.) The whole thing ended up with mom leaving Cosetta's in a huff as we were driving up and waving "bye" to us in such a manner that a simple flipping us the bird may have been more polite.

Well, not to have our day ruined by our sometimes overly-sensitive mother, Diane and I decided to continue with our plans and had a grand ol' time. I also bought my first art! O shoot, which I still have to send a check for. That evening we went to the bonfire and I had a blast, but I think Diane was a little cranky at me for staying up so late. :( Sorry Diane! Also, my friend Courtney lit the bonfire with his car! It was AWESOME.

I hope that link works. It's a video of the awesomeness that is bonfire-lighting!

The next day I was volunteering at a bake sale, which was very successful, but I was super tired. But what else is new?

Another story of interest, I was told this week that I was in fact going to Iraq after all, even though my transfer to the reserves is almost complete. What?! Ya, I hounded some ass for that one. Amid much prayer and many phone calls, it was decided that the NG would honor my conditional release and I was still going to Germany with my husband. Thank goodness! I haven't even gotten to live with my husband and we have been married for a year and a half.

Also, this weekend I have drill up in Camp Ripley. Blech. I still haven't found out if I'm still going to SRP since I"m no longer going to Iraq, but I almost hope I do go because then I can leave early. But we'll see. Either way, I'm out in the boondocks for the weekend. At least the weather is warmer. When I was there in January, we literally had to RUN everywhere we went so we wouldn't freeze and they cancelled most of the outdoor training due to the -15' and colder weather.

Next week is the trip to Monterey, which may have a side-trip to Ft. Huachuca, AZ. Stupid JAG people. Whatever. But I'm looking forward to seeing my friends out in Ol' Monterey! Cocktails and dancing! Can't get much better than that, eh?

And since I already told my "mom was so mad" story at the beginning, I'll save one for next time. Hehe.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Swing dance and Cake

So since my last post, I turned 22. Hooray! I celebrated in a couple of ways. First, that Thursday before my b-day, I went swing dancing with my usual group of buds. I LOVE swing dancing...and dancing in general, but mostly lindy. I don't think I could survive without it. Well, ok, that may an over-statement, but it's pretty close.

The other way is I had a small party at my place. It was fun, and involved various fried foods and platters of the usual veggies and fruits. All in all, it was a good birthday. :)

I also have quite a bit going on in other areas right now. The place that my friends and I go swing dancing every week, Tapestry Folkdance, came up short in their budget this year. Boo! So I've volunteered to help. As usual, I went overboard and volunteered to bake massive amounts of goods as well as volunteering time and Mary Kay products I have that I never sold when I went on a brief and crazy stint in salesmanship. I may be a good salesman, but I'm definitely not good on follow through.

So this week has turned out to be quite a doozy. I'm exhausted and it's only Wednesday! I have a swing competition tonight, volunteering at Tapestry tomorrow night, with a combination of swing dancing, baking like mad Friday night for the Bake sale this weekend. I have the St. Paul Art Crawl on Saturday with my mom and sister, then a bonfire that night with my sister at my swing dancing friend's house (Joe) and volunteering at the bake sale on Sunday, then a fitting for a WAC uniform that evening.

Needless to say, I'm going a little crazy and pretty much drinking coffee by the gallon. My sister and I were talking about how she has a hard time saying "no" to people. I don't have a hard time saying "no" when I don't want to do things, but my problem seems to be that I want to do everything and so I say "yes"! I need to learn to say "no" to myself first...

Also, here's my mom was so mad story. So I've been wanting to dye my hair blonde for a while now. I've always been a red-head, but I wanted to try something different. Well, this past week, I dyed my hair blonde. I like it a lot! it's more of a strawberry blonde, but blonde nonetheless. Well, my mom saw it for the first time at my birthday party, and she was so mad. Well, ok, not mad, but she didn't like it. O well. :)

*Disclaimer* I love my mom very much, and we mostly get along. Sometimes we just don't see eye to eye. Maybe that's cuz I'm about 3 inches shorter than her...